2025 Bacon & Turkey Giveaway List of Winners!
Congratulations to the following winners in our Member Appreciation Bacon & Turkey Giveaway!
Be sure to stop by the Bismarck Moose Lodge to claim your prize!
1/1 - Bacon - Mike Kraft
1/2 - Bacon - Billy Dean
1/3 - Bacon - Susie Kambeitz
1/3 - Turkey - Jesse Hellman
1/6 - Bacon - Brad Kerzman
1/7 - Bacon - Ken Plum
1/8 - Bacon - Ken Mehrer
1/9 - Bacon - Gary Brendel
1/10 - Bacon - Martina Kellowen
1/10 - Turkey - Vince Swenson
1/13 - Bacon - Jacob Goldberg
1/14 - Bacon - Mo Morales
1/15 - Bacon - Roxy Hawley
1/16 - Bacon - Kevin Weisbeck
1/17 - Bacon - John Schwab
1/17 - Turkey - Larry Lang
1/20 - Bacon - Matt Fiechtner
1/21 - Bacon - Terry Janzer
1/22 - Bacon - Jim Munson
1/23 - Bacon - Mark Webster
1/24 - Bacon - Dallas Torgerson
1/24 - Turkey - Alexis Leach
1/27 - Bacon - Kris McPherson
1/28 - Bacon - Lauree Hellman
1/29 - Bacon - Erik Moe
1/30 - Bacon -
1/31 - Bacon -
1/31 - Turkey -