TODAY at the Moose!

TODAY at the Moose!

Saturday, January 21st

Soup ๐Ÿฒ Burgers ๐Ÿ” and Fries ๐ŸŸ ! Todayโ€™s soup is Chicken Tortilla. 11am to 1pm. Menu

Member Appreciation Night! Free Dinner for Members and spouses at 5:30pm. Randy Stein and Backstage Pass in concert at 8:30pm!

Dakota Moose Association Meetings starting at 1pm

Dakota Moose Association Silent Auction during the day!

Bloody Marys and Clamdiggers are $1 off all day!

Hot Dog and 1oz bag of chips for $3; Brat and 1oz bag of chips for $4; add another hot dog or brat for $1, all day!

Full Pizza and Pitcher of Beer for $16 all day!

Lodge Hours 10am to 1am


TODAY at the Moose!


Tomorrowโ€™s Soup!