Breaking News! Extended kitchen hours!

Breaking News!

The kitchen will now be open on Tuesdays for Short Orders starting in November! 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Starting November 1st, the kitchen schedule will be as follows (please monitor our website and Facebook for any temporary changes):

*Tuesdays - Short Orders 5:30pm to 8:30pm

*Wednesdays - Family Night Steak Fry 5:30pm to 8:30pm

*Thursdays - Short Orders 5:30pm to 8:30pm

*Fridays - Full Dining Menu 5:30pm to 8:30pm

*Saturdays - Soup & Burgers 11am to 1pm & Full Dining Menu 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Also check our Facebook page and website for dining specials as well!

Come on down to the Bismarck Moose Lodge and enjoy some good food!


Weekend Food Specials!


TODAY at the Moose!