TODAY! 12.30.24

🫎 TODAY at the Moose! 🫎

Monday, December 30th

Higher Degree Night! All Moose Legionnaires, Fellows, Pilgrims, Academy of Friendship, Star Recorders and College of Regents receive $1 off drinks from 6pm to close!

Beer of the Month! Pabst Blue Ribbon & Keystone Light cans for $2 from lodge open to 6pm. Higher Degree Night and Happy Hour discounts do not apply.

Tequila is $1 off all day every day until December 31st! Happy Hour and Higher Degree Night discounts do not apply.

Bucket Specials! Bucket of 5 for $18! Coors Light, Coors Banquet, Miller Lite, Keystone Light 16oz. & Aluminum Bottles of Bud Light and Busch Light

Pizza and Pitcher of Beer for $16 all day!

Happy Hour 4:30pm to 6pm

Lodge Hours 4pm to 12am


TODAY! 01.01.25


January is Member Appreciation Month!